Richard Hayes Supersize Your Child

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A Look At What Is To Come Wouldn’t it be cool if we could somehow perfect the human race? Maybe make people smarter, grow a few inches taller, or even look different. Richard Hayes feels that exact same way. Hayes wrote an article called “Supersize Your Child”, which gives us an outlook on manipulation variables that can indeed have a dramatic effect on children of the future. In Hayes’ article, he succeeds at persuading us to believe in genetic mutation by explaining the advancement science has made in the genetic field. “Supersize Your Child” is supported by much ethos and was written to inform a science based audience about the advancing process of gene mutation. Richard Hayes is the executive director of the Center for…show more content…
Richard Hayes throughout “Supersize Your Child” offers many counterarguments that resemble the thinking of someone who has not done much research. One poses the question, “Wouldn’t society step in?”, which draws different opinionated inferences as to what effect the scientific challenge may cause. This shows his grasp of the entire project and how others feel towards genetically changing the gap in inequality. He gives pathos from a few years prior, where he states that health policy made eugenic engineering available for everyone, including the…show more content…
The steps science is making towards beginning to decrease inequalities between each person is imperative for a better future. The articles strongest points consist of other theories such as cloning, genetic mutation, artificial chromosomes that prove this project is very possible. Although the article possesses many strong arguments, I feel that it struggles to promise the actuality of this happening in the near future. Seems that genetically changing the makeup of our children is in our distant future that this generation of scientist may
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