Richard Cory Essay

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English 1302 March 23, 2013 The Ironic End to Richard Cory When a poor man looks at a person with wealth, the poor man would wish to be in the shoes of the rich. Much of the people of this planet wishes to be someone they think is better than themselves, however that person they wish to be might not want to be in their position. Being the envy of many people can cause a person that seems to have everything to be stressed out by the pressures of being perfect. In the poem Richard Cory is the celebrated person of peasants. However trying to keep the image of a well-respected, well-mannered, and wealthy man, Richard Cory’s pressure to keep up this image caused him to commit suicide. From line 1 to 4 the poem describes Richard Cory as a well-respected person. On the first two lines Richard Cory is under watch by “people on the pavement” (Robinson line 2). For the most part Richard Cory is forced to act like a role model for the less fortunate on the pavement. Next the people of the pavement sees Richard Cory as a “gentleman from sole to crown” (Robinson 3). Richard Cory is a man that people admire. On line 4 the poem describes Richard Cory as a handsome man he is “Clean favored, and imperially slim”. In addition to being a well seen person, Richard Cory is also under pressure of having to be well fit. According to Charles Sweet Richard Cory’s is seen as a king as the poem associates him with a “Crown” and the people with “pavement” (Sweet). All the eyes on Richard Cory can cause any person to be weary of all his or her actions. This places him into a situation where his is always pressured to be a light for the poor. The people of the pavement also sees Richard Cory as a well-mannered. In the poem Richard Cory presents himself gracefully as he is “always quietly arrayed” (Robinson 5) and “always human when he talks” (Robinson 6). His voice causes the hearts of

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