Respecting Disrespect In The United States Army

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Respect to NCO’s Displaying the proper courtesy and respect to Non-Commissioned Officers and Officers alike is a key component to being a Soldier in the United States Army. Throughout history, within every single military force, there has always been rank structure and discipline. Rank structure was, and still is, instilled in the military for many reasons; to ensure tasks are completed, orders from officers are followed, and communication within the ranks is evident and clear. To show disrespect and to act discourteous towards senior ranking personnel goes against tradition, regulation, and honor. Traditionally, respecting seniors was critical throughout military forces though history. It has and still is embedded and learned by soldiers when they first begin to train to become soldiers.…show more content…
By showing any kind if disrespect, whether it includes but not exclusive failing to follow orders, arguing, showing disdain, directly violates AR within the United States Army and is punishable by the Uniformed Code of Military Justice. Should a soldier be recommended for UCMJ action, punishments can range from conducting extra duty, to being demoted from rank and even be kicked out of the army, should the leadership deem the violation severe

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