Reflective Statement Essay

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Reflective Statement This Part of the Essay will be based on four reflective points. I will be covering the following topics: 1) learning from experience, reflection and reflective writing, 2) The professions and professionalism, 3) Making effective presentation and 4) Selection Interviews. In addressing these four topics, I will analyse how it has helped me with my professional Knowledge, Skills and Attitude, whilst studying this module. Topic 1: learning from experience, reflection and reflective writing. Reflective Practice and writing are according to Moon (2004) is a process where we clarifying procedure are being sorted out. Reflective writing is in cooperation both a records keeping and an evaluation of the work that you has accomplish. Pritchard (2009) explains that teachers are able to deliver appropriate learning situations, which enables learners to learn effectively. I can relate both points in studying the module 2001(Professional Development). I was able to gain experience in reflective learning by various activities, such as group presentation and mock interviews that was as part of the module. I was able to reflect on feedbacks given to me by other students. This outlined both my strength and weakness and also equipped me with confidence needed to succeed in the labour market. Entwistle (1998) pointed out that in order to achieve a good grade, Students needs to organise themselves strategically. This will involve time management, reading the right learning materials, putting efforts in studies as well as knowing what teachers expect from you. In studying for this module, I was able to read the necessary and core reading books, by reading through the module guides and reflecting back on each lectures. Cottrell (2003) outlined that reflecting is a natural practice, where we reflect back on an event that we were inspired or uninspired by.
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