Reasons High School Students Dropout Cause and Effect

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My Academic Skills Plan for Taking Tests DIRECTIONS: In this activity, you’ll use the Wise Choice Process to design a personal academic skills plan to improve your ability to take tests. Following are the six steps for completing your two-page Academic Skills Plan. See attached examples of how to complete each of the steps. The goals of this Academic Skills Plan are that you: 1) master four new test-taking skills, 2) increase learning in your present courses, and 3) earn higher grades. Step 1 What is my present situation? On a blank Academic Skills Plan (see attached), write one of the “Challenges with Taking Tests” that you circled on page 260, including its number. Write a different challenge on the second blank Academic Skills Plan (attached). Explaining your test-taking challenges in detail will help you choose the best strategies to address them. See examples of how to do this step on the following pages. Print or save as many Academic Skills Plans as you may require. For this dropbox assignment, you are required to submit two plans – see attached pages. Step 2 How would I like my situation to be? In Step 1, you identified two challenges you are having with taking tests. Now shift your focus from these challenges to how you would prefer your situation to be. On your Academic Skills Plan, write your goals for taking tests. State them in the present tense as if they already exist (e.g., I understand . . . rather than I will understand . . . or . . . I enjoy . . . rather than I will enjoy . . .). See examples on pages attached. Step 3 What are my possible choices? Review strategies for test taking on pages 261-273. Choose two strategies you think will help with your first challenge and two strategies to help with your second challenge. Write these strategies (including their numbers) on your Academic Skills plan, two on each page. See examples

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