Reasons for Liberal Reforms

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History Essay Practice over Liberals Reforms How far was concern about the rise of the Labour Party the real reason for Liberal Reforms 1906-14?” There has been much debate in recent years between many historians over reasons for why the Liberal were introduced between 1906-14. The rise of the Labour party was a crucial factor of the push for Liberal reforms but there are many other reasons for the drive for reform. Examples of othe reasons would be the research of Booth and Rowntree and concerns for national security. This will answer on how far the rise of the Labour party was the real reason for Liberal reforms. The rise of the Labour party was a crucial factor for the drive of reform for the Liberal party. The new Labour Party promised social reform and the Liberals were worried about losing votes. Reform could therefore be seen as a rather selfish, political advantageous response to political change. Since 1884, most working class men had the vote and the Liberals wanted to attract those votes. So therefore it was for their own political advantage of the Liberal government to offer social reform, even if they did not fully believe in the principle of government intervention in people’s everyday lives. Although there can be an argument that gaining political advantage is what any party wants to do, because they need to get more power to make a difference in the way they think is best. However the rise of the Labour party was a massive factor for the drive of reform within the Liberal party. Another reason for Liberal reforms between 1906-14 was the investigations and findings of Booth and Rowntree. Booth carried out extensive research in London and found out that 35% of the population lived in extreme poverty, this was much higher than even the socialist. This made his discovery even more effective as he had went to London to prove that the socialist claims
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