Liberal Social Reforms 1906-1914

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Liberals; 1906-1914 The Liberal Reforms – Points to Note ~ They were an impressive legislative achievement ~ The Liberals were seen to be responding to specifically identified social problems ~ For the first time the state was interfering in matters previously considered to be the duty and responsibility of the individual; the diet and health of children, the standard of living of the aged poor, the levels of wages and hours of adult workers, unemployment. ~ The poor were no longer to be considered as inferior, but were accepted as unfortunate but equal citizens ~ The roles of Asquith, Lloyd George and Churchill need to be noted. Liberal Timeline 1905. December; Balfour’s Govt resigns. 1906. January; A landslide Liberal victory. The Workman’s Compensation Act. The Trades Disputes Act. The School Meals Act. Free Medical Inspections for School children. 1908. Asquith becomes Prime Minister. The Old Age Pensions Act. 1909. The Peoples’ Budget rejected by the House of Lords. The Osbourne Judgement. 1910. Two General Elections in January and December. The Constitutional Crisis 1910-11. Rise in militant union activity. 1911. The Parliament Act 1911. The National Insurance Act 1911. Suffragette and Trade Union militancy. Balfour resigns and is replaced by Bonar Law. 1912. The Third Home Rule Bill. The Ulster Covenant. The Coalminers strike. 1913. The Trade Union Act. The Cat and Mouse Act. The Triple Alliance of Unions. (Miners, Railway men and Transport Workers). 1914. Decline in union violence. Home Rule Act delayed. The Outbreak of World War 1. 1915. Asquith forms a National Government with the Conservatives and emergent Labour Party. Liberal Social Reforms;why the Liberals had to introduce social reform after 1906 and the impact of these Causes of Reform ~ 1. Need –
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