Reading Reflection "Story Of An Hour"

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Reading Reflection: “The Story of an Hour” Brittany Martin ENG125 Introduction to Literature Instructor April MacGrotty September 19, 2011 Reading Reflection: ‘The Story of an Hour” For my Reading reflection paper I have chosen to write about “The story of an Hour” by Kate Chopin (1894) I will attempt to do so using the formalist approach. Professional teaching and research have revolved around "criticism," or the exegesis of individual works, and every other aspect of literary study has been treated as contributory to "reading (Gorman, 2011). I chose this story because from the beginning until the end this story held my attention and sent me through a rush of emotions all at the same time. From the setting of the story, the main characters bedroom, and how she was able to view the world in totally different way from a familiar space, to the description of the main character a woman who had beauty, weaknesses and strengths and her rollercoaster of emotions from grieve to relief that she went through during the entire story kept me wanting to read more. The Story of an Hour mostly takes place in the main character Mrs. Mallard’s bedroom where she retreats after she learns the news of her husband’s death. In her room sitting in front of a window she begins to grieve, but it doesn’t take long before she begins to notice a whole new world arising outside of that window. She was beginning to come alive all over again as the author wrote “But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air. (as citied in Clugston, 2010).” In my opinion the author uses this metaphor to give the reader that idea that the character Mrs. Mallard is beginning to look at the world in a whole new way as somewhat of happiness is beginning to overcome her. After what she thinks is

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