Quiz Essay

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University of Phoenix Material Week Two Quiz Multiple Choice: Read each question and select the correct answer. 1. A company wants to use a psychological test to screen for emotional stability for a sensitive position. Which of the following tests is the best choice for the company to use? a. Cognitive Assessment System b. Weschler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS-IV) c. Woodcock-Johnson d. Sixteen Personality Factors (16PF) 2. ________ testing presents specific questions or statements to which a person responds by using specific answers or a scale. ________ is an example of this type of testing. a. Objective; MMPI b. Projective; TAT c. Functional; NEO-PI-R d. Intelligence; Stanford-Binet 3. ________ testing uses ambiguous or unstructured testing stimuli to which a person responds freely to the testing stimuli. ________ is an example of this type of testing. a. Objective; MMPI b. Projective; TAT c. Functional; NEO-PI-R d. Intelligence; Stanford-Binet 4. Which of the following is a multicultural issue for any of the psychological instruments customarily used in the United States? a. Level of acculturation b. Preconceived notions c. Theoretical orientation d. Distortion of information 5. Almost immediately after he developed it, ________ expressed concern about the misinterpretation, overgeneralization, and misuse of his IQ test. a. J. P. Guilford b. Alfred Binet c. L. L. Thurstone d. Charles Spearman 6. One of the common concerns associated with IQ testing is that a. a wide variety of human behaviors is being measured b. a person's performance is compared against others’ performances c. testing is used to

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