Qualitative And Quantitative Research

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Abstract This paper is a comparison of a qualitative and quantitative research article. The objective is to identify and discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the two articles and determine if substantial evidence is available to support evidence-based practice. A focused look at the methods used, target population, data analysis, research findings, and implication for practice are identified for both articles as they apply to a qualitative and quantitative research approach.

The problem of ensuring quality nursing care and patient safety is a major challenge facing nurses and nurse leaders today. The specific aspects of missed nursing care potentially leading to the association between less staffing and the negative outcomes have not been established in research (Kalisch, 2006). In the first article Missed nursing care: a qualitative study, by Beatrice J. Kalisch, the purpose is “ to determine the specific aspects of regularly missed nursing care on medical-surgical units in acute care hospitals, and the reasons nursing staff give for not completing these particular aspects of care.” A literature search revealed a lack of studies conducted in this area. The research offered little strength. This study’s purpose did not directly address the problem; however, it was detected through data analysis. Instead it elaborated on nine elements of routinely missed nursing care and seven possible themes relative to the reasons nursing care was missed. The quantitative study addresses the growing concern that physical inactivity is a major factor in increasing women’s risk for chronic disease, disability, and premature mortality. These outcomes have a

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