Puritans And Pilgrims

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Puritans and Pilgrims The Pilgrims derived from their leader and historian William Bradford. The puritans got their name because they wanted to purify the Church of England of all practices they considered "popish" i.e. Roman Catholic. They sought the removal of all images, veneration of the saints, sacramental practices, and the like. Their attempts failed and the Puritans soon became persecuted by the Church of England. Thus, they fled and came to the new world, hoping that this would be the place where they could build the shining city on a hill where Puritan practices would shine for all to see. The Puritans were initially will to work with the confines of the established Church of England, the Pilgrims thought it so corrupt that they wished to separate themselves from it completely. They set up their own secret congregation in the village of Scrooby in Nottinghamshire. They saw little chance for remaining true to their faith as long as they remained in England. Both agreed with Martin Luther that no pope or bishop had a right to impose any law on a Christian without consent and both accepted John Calvin’s view that God freely chose those he would save and those he would dame eternally. Another less-than-subtle difference between the two groups is the economic and social status of their people. The Pilgrims at Plymouth were, for the most part, yeomen - working people. There were some among them successful enough to merit the title "Master," but none who appended to his name the title "Gent." There was not even an ordained minister in the group. The colonists of Massachusetts Bay, by contrast, were better educated, more economically and socially successful, and brought with them educated clergy to give leadership to both the church and the community. William Bradford, the governor whose leadership shaped the Plymouth colony, had been a fustian worker
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