Puerto Rican Emigrants to Us

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Abstract Why Puerto Rican emigrate to US and other foreign countries? Is there a correlation between the economic level and educational degree with the decision of leaving the island? A report made by Ports Authority in 2010 states that all passengers leaving the island represent a migratory movement of 31,000 people. The percentage of emigrants out of the labor force has risen between 2008 and 2010 by nearly 20%. The Puerto Rican people, who flee the country with no job, are still searching after arriving to the US. People who emigrate with a professional career such as: 1,206 with a managerial profession, 4,487 administrative or clerical works, 3,815 sales people, among others, are still searching for places to work after arriving. True, the world has become to be composed of sedentary people seeking compliance from one place to live. Agriculture was part of the daily life of each individual long time ago. Over the years we noticed agriculture is not the job of the individual, but which became an industry that channels the fruits and deliver them to families without the need for home gardens. This dilemma brings back the nomadic way of life. The individual traveling from a land of limited resources to where those resources abound. In our times a person is by nature nomadic, but we called it migrant. The migrant: A person moving from their own country to another, usually to work on it on a stable or temporary work. The migration of Puerto Ricans has been linked to economic and social decline since the 1950’s, where nearly half the country left the island for a better future in the North America continent. Migratory movements have their effect on society, education, health and the economy in both countries producing migrants as those receiving immigrants. This work attempts to capture the main reasons Puerto Ricans output to the U.S. In addition, to investigate

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