Public Health P3 P4 M2 D1

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The purpose of the Public Health is to help individuals remain healthy and also to protect them from anything that can be seen as a threat to their lives. The government wants everyone to have the ability to make healthier choices and to minimize the impact and risks of ill health. Organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) the government, the National Statistics Office and the Health Protection Agency collect data about death and illness and interpret it. The World Health Organization collects information about health on an international and a national level and then compare between the countries. The government collects information to give to different policies. The National Statistics Office is responsible for the census that is carried out every 10 years. They are the national body that gathers information about the entire UK population. The Health Protection Agency is an organisation that is solely dedicated to ensuring that the health of people in the UK is protected. Ill health in the UK is monitored through statistics. These statistics are collected from birth and death certificates as well as censuses and other sources. Statistics can also be found in the Black Report 1980, the Acheson Report 1998, and Saving Lives: Our Healthier Nation 1999, Tackling Health Inequalities: A Programme for Action 2003 and Choosing Health: Making Healthy Choices Easier 2004. The Black Report 1980 found that there was an inequality in health across social classes and there is a huge difference between the mortality and morbidity rates across the social classes. The mortality rate was higher for those of a lower social class. For example in 1971 unskilled workers (social class V) the death rate in this social class was nearly twice the amount of men professional workers (social class I). Lung cancer in social class V was 3 times higher than that of social
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