Psy340 Week3/4 Worksheet V3

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Vision, Senses, and Motor Control Worksheet Using the text for this course, the University Library, the Internet, and/or other resources answer the following questions. Your response to each question should be at least 250 words in length. 1. What role does experience play in object recognition and visual perception? Be sure to include a specific example from your experience. An example of object recognition and visual perception would be an individual hitting a ball with a baseball bat. In order for this task to be possible a chemical message is transmitted throughout the body. Once the message has been received by the parietal lobe, which is responsible for receiving messages throughout the body, the somatosensory cortex receives a message indicating the amount of pressure need in order to hit the ball and touch the ball with the baseball bat. The frontal lobe, which consists of the motor cortex, allows the individual to hit the ball. The association cortex, which is collective vast area, enables the ability to think as well as remember all of which is useful in hitting the baseball with the bat. The catcher has a visual on the ball that was hit. The visual is possible because of the occipital lobe, which is located in the back of the brain. Once this takes place visual signals are then processed. The association cortex allows the individual to remember the actions to take, upon seeing the ball after it is hit. Once the ball has been visualized a visual signal is processed in order for the individual to have visual of the ball in order to properly catch the ball. The temporal lobe receives a message to allow the individual the motivation in order to catch the ball; temporal lobe also provides balance to the individual as the individual is trying to catch the ball in the mitt. The frontal lobe is also involved with the catching of the ball,

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