Psy 360 Cognitive Functions Of The Brain Research Paper

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Cognitive Functions of the Brain Sara Barber PSY/360 April 16, 2012 Anne Watts Cognitive Functions of the Brain Phineas Gage worked as a foreman for the railroad companies. By far he is one of the first brain injury cases that was documented. At the time of his accident he was working with a group of railroad workers moving rocks making way for the tracks. This accident caused a man to change his actions very drastically. Many people that knew Phineas Gage said that he was not the same Gage he once was. Role of the Brain in Cognitive Functions The brain is made up of four lobes: the frontal lobe, the occipital lobe, the parietal lobe, and the temporal lobe all of which serve their own areas of cognitive function (Willingham, 2007) The lobes are contained by the cerebral cortex this is where all cognitive ideas originate. Some cognitive functions are problem solving, learning, speech, memory,…show more content…
He attained brain damage through his working to excavate rocks, a rod exploded unexpectedly and blasted through his head. The rod went completely through his brain and skull. His wound remained open to leave room for drainage. Although the damage to his head was severe Phineas Gage lived through the incident. He was up and walking around almost immediately after the incident. The accident made him one of the first cases of brain injury to be documented. The accident damaged his frontal cortex in his brain. This meant that he had total loss of social abilities which lead to inappropriate behaviors (2006). Phineas had gotten to where he lost the ability to think before he spoke. At times Phineas would just let words come out of his mouth and not make any sense. I believe that this happened because there was no way for the neurotransmitter to reach the frontal cortex where knowledge is stored in the brain. Phineas lived thirteen more years after his incident; his condition did worsen as time went on
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