Pros And Cons Of Astronomy Outline

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University of Phoenix Material Basics of Astronomy Outline Complete the outline based on the readings for this week: Ch. 1–4 of The Cosmic Perspective. Use complete sentences for all subpoints listed. The following is an example of a completed outline: Content outline EXAMPLE Complete the outline following the instructions above. Use the example as a guide, using complete sentences for all subpoints. 1. Our place in the universe a. The modern view of the universe 1) What is our Sun and what is its role in the solar system? Our Sun is a star, just like in our night sky. It is at the center of the solar…show more content…
What is the science of astronomy? Astronomy is a human adventure in the sense that it affects everyone—even those who have never looked at the sky—because the history of astronomy has been so deeply intertwined with the development of civilization. Revolutions in astronomy have gone hand in hand with the revolutions in science and technology that have shaped modern life c. What is the scientific method and how does it relate to the science of astronomy? The scientific method can be defined as the study of anything. Science studies how everything works from the smallest (quarks) to the largest (Galactic clusters and possibly even bigger) But astronomy is just the science or study of how everything interacts in the universe. Astronomy studies how planets interact with stars and how stars interact in galaxies with their local group, then how local groups form clusters and how they interact with each other d. Who was Aristotle and what was his relationship to the science of…show more content…
What observations did Galileo make that proved that planets go around the sun? Galileo didn't necessarily prove it but ruled out the geocentric model; that everything revolved around the earth. He did this by observing Jupiter's moons and found that they orbited Jupiter and not the Earth. g. What laws tell us how the planets move around the star? (1) The orbit of each planet is an ellipse with the Sun at one focus. (2) As a planet moves around its orbit, it sweeps out equal areas in equal times. (3) More distant planets orbit the Sun at slower average speeds, obeying the mathematical relationship p2 = a3. h. How does the Earth rotate and how does that relate to day and night or the seasons? The Earth rotates on its axis and orbits the Sun. At any time half of the Earth faces the sun. This part has day. The other half of the Earth faces away from the Sun. It receives no light. It is dark and has night. The sun is the source of light for day. i. What causes the seasons? Is it the tilt of the Earth’s axis or its changing distance from the Sun throughout the

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