Progressivism In Ww1

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On April 6th 1917 the United States entered into WW1, which would be known as one of the worst wars in history. WW1 began in 1914 when a Serbian nationalist murdered Duke Franz Ferdinand, the heir to the Austria-Hungarian empire. At this point in time Europe was divided into two main alliances. The Triple entente, France, Britain, and Russia, and the Triple alliance of Germany, the Austria-Hungary Empire and Italy. After the attack on the archduke, Germany pledged to support the Austro-Hungarian government in its retaliation to the assassination. When Germany attempted to attack France through the neutral country of Belgium, Britain was prompted to help the French and declared war on Germany. Meanwhile, in the United States, progressive reform was at its peak. Progressivism…show more content…
In august of 1914, he addressed congress, declared neutrality and urged the American people to stand by him. There were several political and community leaders that supported Wilson initial position on the war. Senator Robert M. La Follette, Jane Adams and Secretary of State, William Jennings Bryan numbered among neutralities' most ardent supporters. These progressives were strongly opposed to the idea of war because, in more there was a notion that war was only fought to protect the interests of business (Zinn). Progressives, like Wilson, sought to protect the interests of the people and they feared that war would destroy everything that they had accomplished over the years to improve the American quality of life. . The War was seen as imperialistic and imperialism led to corruption. In addition to the fear of Europe’s’ encroaching imperialism, the progressives were afraid of what would happen to the reforms and the movement were the U.S. to declare war (Wilson, 13). War destroyed the family and the family was the center of society and government in the progressive

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