Princessa Beauty Products Case Analysis

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(1) Define the specific business problem and describe a question to be address by marketing research. Princessa Beauty Products- a retailer of beauty products serving a majority of black community in Montreal, Canada. It was one of the oldest beauty stores which established more than 20 years ago, and operating well with owner’s pride and close relationship with customers. However, for a few recent years, sales have been sluggish and became nearly flat since 2005. Annual sales even got worse in 2007 when falling approximately 16% of the previous year (a decline of $96,249). Moreover, the market and economy condition showed no sign of a positive improvements in the near future when Pricessa’ major suppliers raise prices by 15%, the Canadian economy is sliding into recession and the price of oil was at peak. George Richards- the owner as well as the manager of Princessa was drown in depression and unsure of any possible solution “I am not too sure how I should proceed or even if I should do anything.” If there is a marketing research conducted, it should address these questions in order to find an effective strategy: - What type of cosmetics and toiletries products do black women in Montreal care the most of? - What types of media are black women most exposed to? - Are prices or a wide range of selection interest them the most? (2) Briefly describe some of the possible reasons for the decline in sales (e.g., Management? Industry? Market? Competition? Misguided strategies?) Princessa’s decline in sales was caused by a variety of reasons: - Canada was sliding into recession, following the economy crisis in the United States. 90% of Pricessa’s customers earned less than $45,000 annually and about half of these earned less than $25,000 annually. These low income people are likely to be affected severely by the recession, thus they would cut off their
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