Presentation on Sight Loss

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How to manage with sight loss. . I am here to talk to you about sight loss. The gift of sight is something that most people take for granted, but for millions of people around the world coping with blindness as part of everyday lives. We often cut corners with language without anticipating the impact. We put people into categories such as, the blind and the visually impaired but phrases like these leave out the most important bit – people! People come in all sorts, shapes and sizes, from lots of different backgrounds and cultures, we all have our own different ways and our own ideas. We have unique life experiences, skills and careers, whether as doctors, housewives or even cleaners. So it is fair to say we are all unique. It just happens that, for whatever reason some people are visually impaired through no fault of their own. I have been looking at different types of visual loss and I found it astounding to realise just how many there actually is. Some sight problems develop so slowly that the person may not even be aware until it is well advanced, in others the loss can be sudden and dramatic but emotionally and socially living with a sight problem can take years to adjust to. However help is available to enable people with sight loss to lead as full and active life as possible, from emotional support to organisations and charities that can give practical advice on equipment available and to giving help with benefit entitlements. Age related macular degeneration is the most common cause of sight loss in people over the age of 60. I would like to tell you about the Braille system. I have found this amazing to try and do and I`ll explain just a bit about it. The Braille system was invented in 1824 by Louis Braille and he was just 15 years old. By 1952 his accomplishments were finally recognised and he is today celebrated as a hero for all
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