Prek-2 English Language Analysis

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2 (PreK-2) The student drafts and revises simple sentences and passages, stories, letters and simple explanations that: express ideas clearly; show an awareness of topic and audience; have a beginning, middle and ending; effectively use common words; have supporting detail; and are in legible printing. ( LA.B.1.2.3 (3-5) The student produces final documents that have been edited for: correct spelling; correct use of punctuation, including commas in series, dates, and addresses, and beginning and ending quotation marks; correct capitalization of proper nouns; correct paragraph indentation; correct usage of subject/verb agreement, verb and noun forms, and sentence structure; and correct formatting according to instructions. 2. In the play, the King banishes spinning wheels from the kingdom. Reference the historical facts about spinning listed above to help the students, especially the girls, appreciate the role that spinning played in women’s lives in years gone by. Ask the students to consider the work opportunities available to women then and now. How is working with one’s hands different than working with ones head? What rewards derive from each? This can lead into a discussion of what the students wish to be when they grow up so as to explore the more general topic of sloth versus hard work and…show more content…
( LA.C.3.2.5 (3-5) The student participates as a contributor and occasionally acts as a leader in a group discussion ( LA.B.1.2.1 (3-5) The student prepares for writing by recording thoughts, focusing on a central idea, grouping related ideas, and identifying the purpose for writing. 2. The evil fairy is the stereotypical villain of the play. She is deceitful, selfish, greedy and jealous of anyone who has something that she wants. a. How do her schemes get her into trouble and eventually backfire on her? b. Discuss with your students the concept of honesty being the best policy. c. Has there ever been a time when they were untruthful? What happened? d. Discuss the concept of “little white lies.” Is it ever acceptable to be dishonest? ( LA.C.1.1.3 (PreK-2) The student carries on a conversation with another person, seeking answers and further explanations of the other’s ideas through questioning and

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