Preface to Lyrical Ballads William Wordsworth Analysis

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Before I get into my report on this piece by William Wordsworth, I must first talk about William Wordsworth and who he was. William Wordsworth was an English romantic poet who was one of the catalysts behind the romantic poetry era. Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770 in Cumbria, England. He attended Hawkshead Grammar School. It was while attending Hawkshead, where he developed his penchant for poetry and experimented with poetry verse. After graduating from Hawkshead, Wordsworth attended St. John’s College in Cambria. He left before his final semester on a journey around Europe during which he experienced the French Revolution. In France, Wordsworth had a child with a woman who would not become his wife. Later in that same year, Wordsworth married an old friend, Mary Hutchinson. They went on to live in Grasmere and had five children together. William Wordsworth died on April 23, 1850 in Rydal Mount. Written in the early 19th century, William Wordsworth’s “Preface to Lyrical Ballads” changed the standards for 19th century poetry. In it, he provides the readers with insights to his personal style of writing poetry. Before Wordsworth, English poetry was characterized by lofty, abstract, and pretentious diction. Wordsworth believes that poetry should be characterized by a certain simplicity. He feels that if poetry contains overly complex themes and incomprehensible ideas, the true purpose of the poem is reduced. His goal is to create poetry that does not require an in-depth analysis to be understood by his readers. Wordsworth’s guiding principle to writing poetry is that the words should hold straightforward meanings that are related to elements in nature and maintain central, comprehensible thoughts. Wordsworth criticizes his poetic predecessors and their unnecessarily verbose writing styles when he says that “They who have been accustomed to the gaudiness and

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