Poverty in Cambodia

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Essay Cambodia An overview of strategies to reduce poverty in Cambodia – agriculture, industry, restoration of heritage and the visual arts. 1 Introduction During the Khmer Rouge period (1975-1978) nearly 2 million Cambodians died. The devastation that followed bought political instability, economic marginalisation, damaged infrastructure and loss of agricultural land for food. The loss of the educated population and many aspects of culture, have made recovery and rebuilding extremely challenging for Cambodia. Cambodia’s reconstruction efforts were fraught with civil unrest and tension until 1998. The current coalition government formed in 2004 is attempting to introduce economic reform. However, Cambodia is one of the poorest countries in SE Asia with 40% of the population in poverty. International intervention has brought about as many problems as solutions. People’s cultural assumptions get in the way of complex agendas of both Cambodian and the Western donor nations helping to reconstruct a devastated country. Economic reforms by the government’s “Rectangular Strategy” focus on 4 main strategies namely, nurturing the agriculture sector, developing the private sector, building health and education, improving physical infrastructure such as ICT and essential services (Coe, D, et al 2006 Cambodia Rebuilding for a Challenging Future, IMF ) At the centre of the strategy is fighting corruption, legal and judicial reform, public administration reform, all attempts to integrate Cambodia into the region and the world in general. 2 Deep scars left by the Khmer Rouge have hampered Cambodia’s recovery. Many cultural and artisan skills were lost, the educated population wiped out, survivors of the genocide mourning lost family members all over the country. Infrastructure in urban and rural areas was destroyed, along with the confidence of a shattered people.
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