Post-Classical Vs Early Modern T-Chart

1997 Words8 Pages
Date |1450-1750 Unit Early Modern Period or…..The World That Trade Created 2011 - 2012 | | | |Daily Syllabus | | |Please check daily for updates | | |** Readings on any given day should be read for that date, unless otherwise specified. This means we will be discussing these documents in | | |class on that day, so make sure to review your syllabus each week and check your readings. | |…show more content…
Early Modern T-Chart (Edmodo Library) | |Mon |Periodization 1450-1750: How is this time period different from the previous one? Complete the | |Nov 28 |Post-Classical vs. Early Modern T-Chart in class with Powerpoint (Edmodo Library) | | |HW: Read "Pluck or Luck" (Edmodo). Be sure to understand each historian's point of view about the so-called "rise" of the West (for | | |class on Wed).…show more content…
Lawrence | |Tues |Columbian Exchange Webquest due (see assignment above) | |Dec 6 |10 Columbian Exchange | | |Read these articles for some modern connections:
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