Pornography Objectifies Women

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Pornography, what is pornography? How do I define it? Keep in mind, that pornography is gender neutral, as it encompasses gays, children and animals. I define it with female in mind, as women are the main core in pornography. Therefore, when I say pornography, I am indicating heterosexual pornography. The word pornography comes from the Greek word, pornographos, meaning “writing about prostitutes.” (Webword Online) Another word I need to define is objectify. Objectify means to make impersonal or present as an object. (Webword Online) Pornography presents a totally unreal image of women. Women are not objects, but persons. The images shown in pornography are a distorted image of women. In most porn, you see women as far more perfect than real women. They are unnatural looking, with certain large size body parts. These porn stars appear as forever willing sexual partners, anxiously waiting to have you as their partner. The trouble with this image of women is that it is not real, it is fake. Women are wonderful human beings, and a total intimate relationship with them is not a onetime thing, but a full time lifetime thing. If porn is watched, it tends to cause expectations in men that could never be met by a real woman. Pornography clearly shows women as sex objects, things that are disposable. It does not portray women as a human being with thoughts, emotions, ideas, morals; creatures created in the image of God. Pornography portrays women as sex objects, and turns sex into something that is nothing more than an activity for fun. It shows women are partners to use for pleasure. Pornography treats women like objects, not as human beings. Women deserve respect for being human, a human with feelingsoutside of the sexual world. Objects are objects. Objects have no feeling, no emotions. Objects serve only one purpose. Objects are manmade; not made in
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