Poetry Analysis "I Wandered As Lonely As a Cloud"

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“A Spark of Loneliness“ William Wordsworth in his work, “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” depicts beauty in nature and the power within it. The narrator in this poem describes a field of daffodils which greatly influences him through several aspects of nature and emotions that set in when thinking upon the sight. This is a lyrical poem that uses iambic tetrameter with an ababcc rhyme scheme. The poem begins with the narrator walking around outside in an area surround by valleys and hills, creating a diverse landscape in what may be encountered through exploring. Line one opens with the simile “I wandered lonely as a cloud” (1). Wordsworth is comparing himself a cloud in solitude away from others because of loneliness, which is personification additionally as it gives the cloud emotional feelings. He creates an image of the setting by describing the area of valleys far below the cloud. In lines three and four, the mood changes by in discovery of daffodils that catch his eyes, “When all at once I saw a crowd / A host, of golden daffodils” (3, 4). The daffodils being described as a crowd of people creates a metaphor that begins to subside the loneliness. In addition to the setting there is also a lake next to the field with trees among the flowers. Personification is exemplified once again describing the daffodils dancing, “Fluttering and dancing in the breeze” (6). Wordsworth begins to create several themes in the introduction of this poem from strolling among nature leading him to an astonishing sight of beauty through his perspective. The second stanza goes into a deeper portrayal of the daffodils, more specifically focusing on the abundance of them, “Continuous as the stars that shine / And twinkle on the milky way (7, 8). The metaphor comparing the daffodils to the stretch of stars in the milky way galaxy is a hyperbole of the amount them there actually are.

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