Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood

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Physical and Cognitive Development in Late Adulthood COUNS 502 Dr. Corey Gilbert ABSTRACT The purpose of this paper is to document the physical and cognitive changes that take place in late adulthood. The focus will be on the normal and abnormal changes that one might undergo during late adulthood, both physically and psychologically. There is so much information that exists on the changes that take place as one gets older. Therefore, special emphasis will also be placed on the numerous myths about aging that exist and dispel these rumors. Finally, the importance of the Christian faith as it relates as a coping mechanism to age-related changes in late adulthood will be stressed. INTRODUCTION Throughout their lives, human beings undergo bodily changes that can be placed into two categories: cognitive and physical changes. These changes can often become more significant as one gets older. Cognitive changes can be described as changes that the brain and the thought processes undergo with aging. This period, known as late adulthood, begins around early to middle 60’s. At this point, the cognitive and physical processes both undergo different changes which can include memory loss, slowed reaction times, graying hair, and even bone shrinkage (Feldman, 2011). It is, however, not all loss during this stage as the older generation can equally retain their cognitive functions and maintain a healthy physical appearance through appreciating and facing new experiences, being as active as possible, and most importantly, paying attention to changes with their bodies so as to seek out medical attention as early as possible. BABY BOOMERS In the United States the population that forms the adult population between the ages of 65 and 70 between 1970 and 1999 grew by seventy-four percent. The predictors of this information estimate that the elderly group will grow at a rapid
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