Phototaxis Essay

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Effects of Phototaxis and Hydrotaxis on Armadillidium vulgare’s Abstract The experiment was devised in order to identify and examine the effects of phototaxis and hydrotaxis in Aramadillidium vulgare. Groups of A. vulgare were placed in a pair of connected Petri dishes. One side was lit while the other side was covered with a black cloth. They were observed for a certain period of time in order to record any obvious taxis that occurred. After the taxis were observed for the light and dark, the isopods were observed in dry and wet situations in which the isopod’s activity was recorded. Results displayed a significant response towards or against the different environments stimulated in the lab. Introduction Aramadilliduim vulgare are isopoda that live on decaying organic matter and are active at night. Animals such as the A. vulgare adapt to meet different necessities and sensory receptors by changing their habitats which allows them to respond to stimuli. The movement in response to a stimulus is referred to as taxis. The lab was conducted in order to view the effects of light and water changes placed on environments of certain species. Positive phototaxis will occur if the isopodes exhibit a significant variation of attraction towards the dark side compared to the lighter side of the Petrie dish, and positive hydrotaxis will occur if the isopods migrate toward the wet side in comparison to the dry area. It was hypothesized that the A.vulgare would be attracted toward the dark side of the dish resulting in a negative phototaxis and postivite hydortaxis as the A.vulgare would attract more toward the wet environment then the

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