Petrie Electronics Case Week 2

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Petrie’s Electronics Chapter 3 Case Questions Solutions (30 Points) 1. What qualities might Jim possess that would make him a successful project manager? (5 points) To be an effective project manager, Jim will need to have time management, leadership, and conflict management skills. He will also need to have sufficient technical knowledge, and a good ability to interface with customers. 2. How do you think Jim should respond to Ella’s implied pressure about the importance of the project to her? (5 points) Answers will vary. Most should include attention to points such as proactive management of the project, consistent communication, honesty and transparency about the progress of the project and/or obstacle encountered, etc. 3. What strategies might Jim employ to deal with a very busy team member such as Juanita Lopez? (5 points) Answers will vary. Most should include attention to points such as getting a sure commitment from Juanita, clearly communicating your expectations to her, etc. Petrie’s Electronics Chapter 4 Case Questions Solutions 1. Look over the scope statement (Figure 4-1). If you were an employee at Petrie’s Electronics, would you want to work on this project? Why or why not? (5 point) Answers will vary. Most should be willing to work on the project as a result of the clear scope statement in Figure 4-1. 2. If you were part of the management team at Petrie’s Electronics, would you approve the project outlined in the scope statement in Figure 4-1? What changes, if any, need to be made to the document? (5 point) Answers will vary. Project deliverables should probably be added to the scope statement. 3. Identify a preliminary set of tangible and intangible costs you think would occur for this project and the system it describes. What intangible benefits do you anticipate for the system? (5 point)
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