Persuasive Speech - Renewable Energy Research Vital

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Introduction Attention Getter: We're eventually going to run out of gas. No power, food/water shortages, our active world will shrink. Psychological Orientation: We're all passengers on this rock spinning around the sun. It is in our best interest to take care of it. Credibility: I have done considerable research into renewable energy solutions due to my interest in the subject. One of the main reasons for my interest is what each of us experience every day. Logical Orientation: We have a problem. A problem that will Talk a little about impacts of fossil fuel use, how does it impact us, and a multi-faceted solution. 1st Main Point Fossil fuels impact our environment and our bank accounts far more than most people realize. Sub point: Environment - Supporting material: 1. Procurement 2. Disasters 3. Emissions Sub point: Economy - Supporting material: 1. Food prices linked to oil prices 2. When oil prices go up, everything goes up. Sub point: Running on empty Eventually, none of that will matter because we will literally be out of gas. Current projections estimate complete depletion within the next 80 years. What's the point? Where did we go wrong? 2nd Main Point As long as we continue to burn fossil fuels, it will continue damaging the environment. Add to that the import and export of our fuel and then we see how it impacts us financially. Sub point: Burning Fossil Fuels - Supporting material: 1. Although many people may argue against climate change, we can't argue that we have been changing our world. There may be some truth to the notion that the climate change debate is a cover to funnel money Sub point: Import/Export - Supporting material: 1. Finite source of fossil fuels will

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