Persuasive Essay: Arranged Marriage vs. Love Marriage

471 Words2 Pages
Persuasive: Marriage Marriage is a really beautiful thing. Marriage is spending your life with your other half for as long as you live. The difficult thing with marriage is that you have to go through the process to find someone to marry. To love and marry or to marry and love? In India, arranged marriages are a tradition and have way more benefits than non arranged marriages. When two strangers come together to get married, they have no expectations from each other; knowing and understanding one another takes a significant amount of time. During this time they learn to compromise and accept each other as they really are. Though in a non arranged marriage the couple does possess an advantage of knowing each other, the circumstances and responsibilities change after marriage. Partners learn and come to know how to handle things together to make the best decisions. In arranged marriages, the burden and responsibility of choosing the right person is shared by elders of the family. Hence, in times of need family stands by and help to resolve any conflict the couple might have. Any such help or support is absent in non arranged marriages. Also, if you marry without your parent’s consent then you would most likely get cut off from the family ties. Going through the experience of trying to find your other half is pressure and hard itself. Dating before marriage causes tons of problems. The more you date to try to find your significant other, the less enthusiastic you get. Sometimes you don’t even come close to finding the right person. You come across dating cheaters, jerks, and/or abusive people when instead you could release half that burden on your parents. Your parents could help you make the right decision, since them being the adults have more experience. It is said that compromise is a factor that decides whether the marriage will workout or not. It’s better

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