Perspectives Of Leadership Theory

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Perspectives of Leadership Theory: Thomas C. Spagnoli Thomas Edison State College Perspective of Leadership Theory Socrates was a retired soldier and stonemason in Athens during the fifth century BC. He took great pleasure in pulling people into conversation, questioning their assertions, and dismantling their philosophies by turning their own logic against them (Wrens 2004; Kemerling , 2006). The Socratic Method, or elenchus, is defined as a prolonged series of questions and answers which refutes a moral assertion by leading an opponent to draw a conclusion that contradicts his own viewpoint. During this dialogue, students are forced to critically examine other viewpoints and question their own assumptions and assertions. Socrates developed this elenchus as a means to examine and refute his students’ arguments. By pulling people into conversation, questioning their assertions, and dismantling their philosophies and premises and turning their own logic against them, such dialogue empowers the student to question the logic and ideas of the instructor even as the teacher gains insight from the student’s arguments) Socrates was unique among the scholars of ancient Athens by presenting himself not as master of knowledge but as a fellow student working toward the discovery of truth during mostly informal discussions(Tucker 2007). Personal Leadership Style In utilizing and defining my personal leadership style I often and intentionally use The Socratic Method, or elenchus in stimulating team members into thinking “Out of the Box” as part of my transformational theory of leadership. I strive to be honest in understanding of who I am, what I know, and what I

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