Personality Theory Essay

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Journal 1: Personality Theory A personality theory is a theory is an attempt to describe and explain how people are similar, how they are different, and why every individual is unique. (p.445) There are many personality theories but for the most part they are grouped into four basic perspectives: The Psychoanalytic Perspective: Freud’s theory of personality, which emphasizes unconscious determinants of behavior, sexual and aggressive instinctual drives, and the enduring effects of early childhood experiences on later personality development. (p.445) Humanistic Perspective: theoretical viewpoint on personality that generally emphasizes the inherent goodness of people, human potential, self-actualization, the self-concept, and healthy personality development. (p.459) Social Cognitive Perspective: Albert Bandura’s theory of personality, which emphasizes the importance of observational learning, conscious cognitive processes, social experiences, self-efficacy beliefs, and reciprocal determinism. (p.463) Trait Personality: trait theories of personality focus on identifying, describing, and measuring individual differences in behavioral predispositions. (p.467) After reading chapter 11 in Psychology, sixth edition by Hockenbury & Hockenbury, I discovered that no single theory can sufficiently explain all of the aspects of the human personality. The Humanistic Perspective has my attention; self -concept is the set of Perceptions and beliefs that you have about yourself, including your nature, your personal qualities, and typical behavior. (p.460) this was Carol Rogers Theory (1959). Rogers (1981) further explained that cultural factors which are the major factor in our evil behaviors. The rough manner at child birth, infants mixed experience with the parents, the constricting, the injustice of our distribution of wealth, our cultivated prejudices against
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