Personal Narrative: Return To Miami

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At my young age of eighteen, death is the last thought on my carefree mind. I would never imagine anyone telling me that I only had 72 hours left to live. Death is usually associated with old age, so I could not fathom the fact that my life would be cut short with the majority of it still head of me. Not another day would be wasted due to my lethargic tendencies, for I have a good 70 years to squeeze into only 3 days. The bad habits of me going to sleep as the sun rises and waking up 3pm would be discarded quickly in order for me to enjoy every day to the fullest. I would stop taking life for granted and not allow Seritis01 to get the best of my spirits. Ever since I was a child, I have always wanted to travel to Paris, France. Throughout my middle and high school French classes, France was one of the many francophone countries that was spoken about and studied the most. Learning about the culture and beautiful historical architecture such as the Louvre and Arc de Triumphe only intensified my childhood dream of traveling there. Yet the pictures and the all of the knowledge I have pertaining to this city are…show more content…
After returning to Miami, my next 24 hours would be spent saying goodbye to all of my loved ones. My house is always used for entertaining guests so it is a no brainer that I would then proceed to have a party. The party would begin in the late afternoon around 5pm to celebrate my life and all of the pleasurable moments I have shared with those that have a special place in my heart. I would have a disco ball, strobe lights, balloons of all colors of the rainbow, a buffet of Haitian and Chinese food since they are my favorite, a dj, and a 3 tiered cake in order to thank everyone for being in my life whether it was all of it or just a short amount of time. The party would have no time limit, and would end only when the last person left my

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