Personal Narrative-First Memoir – Deviant Youths

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“First Memoir – Deviant Youths” Back in grade school when I was about 13 years old, I began to disregard my parent’s authority of who I spent my leisure time with. I began getting ideas from my more deviously minded friends that I should get together with them during the weekend after my parents had retired for the evening. The thinking was simple, wait until my parents were fast asleep, take the phone off the hook to prevent an unexpected interruption to my parents slumber, and sneak out the bedroom window. Well equipped with dark clothing, non-reflective attire and a healthy dose of adrenaline I was off to navigate the neighborhood under the cover of darkness to meet up with my cronies at a predetermined, secluded location near the stroke of midnight. It was a clear, crisp fall evening, with the moonlight making it fairly simple task to guide about without the need of my flashlight. Walking briskly from block to block, always weary of any headlights coming within eyesight of my location. Before I realized it, I was fairly close to my rendezvous point when I heard something scuffling in darkness. I froze in place, placing all of my confidence…show more content…
First it was, let’s just test it out. Then it was wow, how big of a nocuous smoke cloud can we make firing this thing up into the air and running around. It was quite the entertainment item that evening! But dawn was drawing near, and our cover of darkness was surely running out, as did the fire extinguisher just then. What the hell are we going to do with this thing now! It’s got our prints all over it one of the older kids yells! Take it with you I insisted. No, you live the closest from here, which was true. So after a few moments of failed negotiation we all split up and I’m stuck with this empty but still heavy fire
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