Pepsi Case Essay

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Redesign ‘Rebranding Pepsi Campaign’ 1. Campaign title and time/date of the campaign: “My Pepsi, My Healthy, My Energy” Campaign, March 2012 2. Situation Analysis: PepsiCo faced waning sales due to the worsening US economy, economic slowdown, the global financial crisis, and plunging stock markets. Moreover, the company noticed that the US consumers’ preferences were shifting to cheaper and healthier drinks and that people were cutting down on their spending on beverages. April 28, 2011 (Bloomberg) -- PepsiCo Inc., the world’s largest snack-food maker, reported a 27 percent gain in first-quarter sales, bolstered by purchases in international markets. PepsiCo’s sales rose to $11.9 billion, compared with the $11.8 billion average of estimates compiled by Bloomberg. Excluding items such as integration costs and hedges, profit was 74 cents, compared with the 73-cent analyst average. PepsiCo, led by Chief Executive Officer Indra Nooyi, has developed new flavors to appeal to markets internationally, relying on chip sales overseas to make up for slower beverage sales volumes in North America. Volume in the South American foods business climbed 2 percent. 3. Campaign Goal: To increase Pepsi’s marketing share in U.S. In order to reduce the soft drink market distance between Pepsi and Coca Cola of the marketing share. 4. Campaign Publics: Target: aged from 12-24 youngsters’ primary school, middle school, high school, and college students in U.S. 5. Campaign Objectives: To rebuild Pepsi positive brand attitude then establish its consumers loyalty among 50% target audience by March 2013. 6. Campaign Messages(s): Advertising will rebuild positive brand attitude among regular users that Pepsi is a healthier soft drink that play an important role as a companion in their daily life. 7. Campaign Positioning

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