Pauls Case Essay

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Paul’s Case I think Paul’s Case was an interesting short story. I think that there is an implication with the title of the story. After reading the last sentence it seems to me that the part of the story could be told by a detective following the case of the boy who was killed by a train in New York. The title could also mean that Paul has a lot on his mind and that he is carrying all of his real feelings and emotions in his “case.” Part way through the story we see a change in the point of view of the story. At the beginning we are on the outside Paul’s world looking in. At the end we are in Paul’s thoughts. I think the purpose of this shift is to see the change in Paul’s life viewing the reaction events of his actions to run away from New York. I think it offers a clue that the point of the story is to see through the eyes of the victim and not the accusers. I think the author doesn’t want the reader to assume the accuser to always right before seeing the side of the other people. It relates to the phrase put the other person’s shoes on. At the beginning of the story Paul’s teachers think he is different then the other boys in his class because his appearance is different. Paul’s attire was a velvet overcoat with red carnation pinned on it. “His lips were continually twitching, and he had a habit of raising his eyebrows.” Along with his attitude and behavior these facial actions made Paul’s teachers think he was crazy and psychotic. I think Paul is an interesting character. He seem’s smart at points in the story but he keeps changing through out. His dynamic personality makes it seem to the reader that Paul does not have a stable mind. At the beginning of the story Paul seems cynical toward his teachers. When he runs away to New York the reader feels that he has found peace with himself. However, that changes when Paul finds out his father is in New York
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