Patient Self Determination Act

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Indiana Regulations and Nursing Standards on Practice Indiana state regulation: 848 IAC 2-2-1 defines the registered nurses responsibility to apply the nursing process. Section one defines seven responsibilities that the registered nurse is held accountable for. Number six of these responsibilities applies to this case study; it states the registered nurse and the patient will determine together if the current treatment plan is working, if not why, identify what additional options of treatment are available to the patient, determine if the patient wants the new treatment plan, or wish to refuse further medical care. This places the plan of care in the patient's hands. (Indiana, 2012). The standard of practice relevant in this scenario is 848…show more content…
The Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA) is a federal law that provides patients their rights under state law to make decisions regarding their medical care, including the right to accept or refuse medical or surgical treatment (American, 2012). The Joint Commission provides guidelines to healthcare organizations regarding the standards of care and practice by healthcare professionals. Joint Commission defines informed consent as a process that protects a patient’s autonomy by providing written instructions to the healthcare provider. Patient rights protected under the Joint Commission include the right to: consent or refuse any treatment, receive compassionate care, have an advance directive, privacy, and that treatment records are confidential (Joint,…show more content…
Autonomy is the ability to then independently perform actions based on those decisions. Nurse autonomy considers the patients right to decide what is done to his/her body, allowing the patient to determine an acceptable plan of care, and acceptance by the nurse if the patient decides to refuse specific forms of treatment such as intubation and a feeding tube. In this case, it is the nurse’s responsibility to make sure the patient’s family honors the patient’s rights regarding refusal to be put on a
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