Legal Aspects to Healthcare Information

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HI135 Unit 9 Final Project Unit 9 Final Project Assignment HI135-01 Legal Aspects of Health Information October 28, 2014 Abstract This assignment will cover the laws and release of information of the following topics: Release of information in AIDS/HIV cases, Release of information mental health and developmental disability cases, Release of information in behavioral health cases, Release of information in Drug and Alcohol Abuse cases and Advanced Directives/Living Wills/Medical Power of Attorney. Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act better known as HIPAA protects patient’s rights and maintains the privacy and confidentiality of their health information. It defines how patient’s health information is used and disclosed. This rule provides patient’s with the choice of transferring insurance coverage, as well as the continuance of their health insurance coverage. ("United States Department of Health and Human Services |," n.d.) Most of all this rule absolutely protects patient’s rights when it comes to the privacy and confidentiality of their health information. The regulations of HIPAA require all healthcare professionals and healthcare providers to input and follow certain procedures to ensure the security and confidentiality of patient’s health information when it is being transferred, received or shared. Patient’s Rights Patients have rights when it comes to their health information. They have the right to access, inspect, and obtain a copy of their health record, whether it’s on paper or electronic. ("Health Information Privacy," n.d.) When a patient enters a healthcare facility they have the right to be notified of the privacy practices within the healthcare facility. A patient can request that the healthcare provider take extra steps to ensure the
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