Participative Leadership Theory

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The Participative Leadership Theory Approach to Success Ariel Castro ORG502 – Organizations: Theory and Practice Columbus State University – Global Campus March 23, 2014 Dr. Dina Simora What may serve as a lens to view JLB Enterprises’ current problem is the current Chief of Executive (CEO) leadership style. According to Hansen (2012), participative leadership theory suggests that the ideal leadership style is one that takes the input of others into account (p. 4). Who does not like to feel like a stakeholder in their organization? There is a saying in the United States Army that I have chosen to I live by,“Mission First, People Always!” In the past 12 years, I have learned the “art of leadership” and the “science of warfare” from an enlisted soldier until now, a commissioned officer. “Mission first, People Always” has been the pivotal force of my success in soldiering because it is not about what you do as an individual that makes you powerful, but your capability as a proficient, trained, and motivated team that does. Conflicts and battlefields may change, but one thing that remains the same is happy people are productive people. “Happy,” in the context of employees and/or subordinates that feel like they are a part of the team. Researchers and practitioners study findings that demonstrate that a participative strategic planning process positively affects employee job satisfaction (Soonhee, 2012). Soonhe states that participative leadership affects job satisfaction to the extent that it reduces absenteeism and turnover. Moreover, the study's findings suggest that employee participation in strategic planning contributes to organizational effectiveness (2012). Subordinates feel empowered when they know that they have a voice in a given situation. It is this feeling of empowerment that drives their work ethic and motivates

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