Panhellenic Games Research Paper

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Today, in America sports are viewed as a competition where the strongest, most athletic team or individual usually prevails. People enjoy sports so much that they bet on games and spend thousands of dollars purchasing tickets to games and flying across the country just because their favorite team is playing. It is simply human nature to thrive on competition, to want to be better and stronger than your opponent. As much as we love competing, playing, and watching sports today, so too did the Ancient Olympic athletes 3,000 years ago when they competed in the Panhellenic Games. The Panhellenic Games were actually four separate events that were spread out over a four year time period, so athletes could compete constantly. There were the…show more content…
In those times though the games were held to a much higher standard and there was more meaning behind the games than there is behind any sports competition we know of today. The games were so important that wars were halted over the games and it was considered a peaceful time, where athletes and spectators could travel and play without fear of being killed in battle. The games also signified religion. Many of the activities were played in honor of a specific God or king. Men also competed in the nude in order to show off the male physique and pay tribute to the gods. (Olympic Museum,…show more content…
Website: Christina, Eileen, & Katie. (2000). Olympic Ancient Greece Vs. Present. Retrieved Dec 2, 2008. Website: E-book Sports. (2008). The Olympic Games in Antiquity. Retrieved Dec 2, 2008, from E-book Sports. Website: The Colombia Electronic Encyclopedia. (2007). Encyclopedia. Retrieved December 2, 2008, from the Columbia University Press. Website: The Olympic Museum. (2007). The Olympic Games in Antiquity. Retrieved December 2, 2008, from The Olympic Museum. Website: Wikipedia. (2008). Panhellenic Games. Retrieved December 2, 2008, from Wikipedia. Website:
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