Hedge School Poem Analysis

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How characteristic is “Hedge School” of Sheer’s Collection “Hedge School” is essentially about the discovery of the speaker’s identity through experiences within nature where key themes are place, identity, violence, exploration and heritage. The speaker, who speaks in first person, describes a journey from school in September, during which he stops to pick blackberries. Sheers explores different ideas about what to do with the blackberries that he has picked; should he eat them and taste their “variety” of flavours, or should he “hoard” them, or should he crush them in his hand. However the interesting part of this poem is how the speaker interprets his actions whilst interacting with nature. With little rhyme and irregular stanzas, “Hedge School” is uncharacteristic of Sheer’s collection both in terms positioning within the collection and in its own structure. The unrestricted form, permits Sheers to delve deeper into particular thoughts within the poem without breaking out of any conformity. I.e. the third stanza is…show more content…
“Scratched” and “bloodied” are both verbs of violence and pain, which indicates that the speaker may actually be quite violent. Furthermore encouraged by “blue-black-red” which is connotative of having been beaten up, and coupled with these words being monosyllabic, which creates emphasis on the beaten up idea, implies this aggression about the speaker. However, “or who’s discovered for the very first time,/ just how dark he runs inside” shows us that the speaker is actually just asking whether his actions suggest that there is a violence within all of us and our actions. However through the use of repeating “or” indicates that Sheers is not of that opinion, rather that youths with explore their boundaries to see what they are capable of. Thus referring back to the idea that this is how Sheers discovered his identity, by exploring his
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