Outlaw Scrtachy Wilson Vs Sherif Wilson

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Outlaw Scratchy and Sheriff Potter “. . . he was a simple child of the earlier plains,” is at the end the short story, “The Bride Comes to Yellow Sky”, and is directed toward Scratchy Wilson but Jack Potter , does this actually imply that Stephen Crane is directing it to both Scratchy Wilson and Jack Potter? Although, some sources such as, (Tripod) think that Scratchy Wilson’s character describes that Crane intended for the theme to be viewed from one man’s troubles with the transition of being a simple man to a complicated civilized man, but like (eNotes), I believe that Crane meant for Scratchy Wilson and Jack Potter to show how difficult a huge change can be for a man during the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the new west. However, behind Crane’s meaning was that the transition was complicated for Wilson and Potter who lived straightforward western culture lives and with the intricate changes happening around them forced them to behave naive. Crane had the sheriff of the town, who had always put the town’s needs before his own get married because it showed that he didn’t have to be obligated to the town anymore. He felt he needed to go out east for his bride because it was a time for him to break his ties within the town and his old ways. So by bringing his bride back to Yellow Sky without the town knowing was difficult for Jack, “he felt that he committed an extraordinary crime” (Crane 18). This was used because a sheriff simply would not get married in days of the old west, he would stay single and be the hero of the town. Crane being a realist wanted the sheriff role to be changed into a man of authority but to still have a normal life. Works Cited Magill’s Survey of American Literature, Revised Edition. www.enotes.com. © 2011 eNotes.com, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
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