Organizational Behavior Personality

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Personality BUS 322, Organizational Behavior January 31, 2013 Personality “Describe each of the ‘Big 5’ personality traits. For each trait, provide an example of how it might contribute positively to an individual’s performance. “ Personality is defined as “the relatively stable set of characteristics that influences an individual’s behavior and lends it consistency.” (Nelson & Quick, 2013) According to Theorists saw a large number of behaviors have been determined over the years. Raymond Cattell, determined 16 attributes that established the basis for variations in individual actions. He described behaviors in binary couples such as self-assured/apprehensive, reserved/outgoing, and submissive/dominant. (Nelson & Quick, 2013) From the 16 traits consensus amongst the theorist’s resulted in the selection of the top five traits called the “Big Five” personality traits. The “Big Five” personality traits comprise of extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness to experience. The following chart provides a description of each personality trait and definition of the associated suggested behavior(s): ion The Big Five Personality Traits (Nelson & Quick, 2013) | Extraversion | The person is gregarious, assertive, and sociable (as opposed to reserved, timid, and quiet). | Agreeableness | The person is cooperative, warm, and agreeable (rather than cold, disagreeable, and antagonistic). | Conscieniousness | The person is hardworking, organized, and dependable (as opposed to lazy, disorganized, and unreliable). | Emotional Stability | The person is calm, self-confident, and cool (as opposed to insecure, anxious, and depressed). | Openess to Experience | The person is creative, curious, and cultured (rather than practical with narrow interests). | Patterns of the Big Five personality traits
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