Only Through Mistakes Can There Be Discovery Or Progress.

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Through mistakes, people always have great discovery and progress. The stories of the great American inventor Edison have proved this statement already. No one would forget Edison’s numberless failures before his invention of light bulb. In fact, light bulb is only one of his thousands devices, I believe that he had to go through many mistakes for every one of his devices. People would not despise his numberless unsuccessful experiments and failures, but only be impressed by his fortitude. Failure teaches success, one can learn through mistakes and lead to the path of discovery. I agree that people may have great discovery or progress through mistakes. However, I don’t think that one can have great discovery by “only” making mistakes, one should have other quality for it as well. There are many examples of great discoveries or breakthroughs which are totally due to careless mistakes, such as the discovery of the American continent. Christopher Columbus, the Italian mariner and navigator who was widely believed to be the first European to sail across the Atlantic Ocean and successfully land on the American continent, made his achievement based on his underestimate of the circumference of the Earth. In fact, his initial destination is India. Another example is the discovery of antibiotic substance penicillin. Dr Fleming, the discoverer of penicillin, had no intention for revolutionize all medicine by discovering the world’s first antibiotic. The discovery is absolutely an accident due to a spore of penicillin drifted in his culture plate that smeared with Staphylococcus bacteria on his lab bench. If Fleming had not mistakenly forgot the cultures he worked on, his cultures dishes would not be contaminated with Penicillin and he would not have this great discovery. Do the above examples show the great discoveries have to go through mistakes only? In my opinion,

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