One Girls Search for "The Bluest Eye"

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Symbols serve as a segway between deep ideas and reality in Toni Morrison’s novel The Bluest Eye. The novel reviews a poor, black girl’s tragic adolescence as it explores controversial topics. Pecola, the novel’s troubled main character faces a battle for beauty in an unforgiving world. Her family is seen from the outside as ugly, and her family thinks of her as ugly, so from the beginning Pecola doesn’t have much going for her. As the story travels she runs into problem after problem. Her battle with the beauty of the world around her increases and she finally realizes that the one thing that will make her beautiful is having blue eyes, like all the beautiful little white girls. She believes that all the happiness in the entire world lies in getting those blue eyes. Pecola’s mother, Pauline is not far behind in her desire for beauty and happiness. She hates Pecola for her ugliness, and for her own ugliness. Pauline’s greatest desire is to have a child like the babydoll-esque girl she nanny’s for in the white side of town. She takes her anger and frustration out on Pecola, only furthering the problem. Pecola is introduced to Shirley Temple through the form of a drinking cup, which she falls in love with, and ultimately makes her goal of wanting blue eyes. Morrison sums up all of the desire of one little girl and her family, part of the problem that put the family in the poor situation they’re in now, and the ultimate showing of beauty and happiness as seen from a black family through a set of eyes and their color. Morrison explores eyes as a symbol of beauty and happiness, and ugliness in the novel The Bluest Eye through the characters Pecola, Pauline, and Shirley Temple. Pecola Breedlove finds all the beauty and happiness in the world to be in a pair of blue eyes. Pecola’s life has been about as bad as it gets in the course of bad lives, and she can’t figure out

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