Old Testament Survey

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Justine Likuka Student #: S669567 Advanced Old Testament Survey Assignment #:1 Essay Submitted October 15, 2014 Introduction I was greatly thrilled and enjoyed my time reading “A Journey Through the Old Testament” by Elmer Towns. His approach to the subject made interesting reading and raised my interest to dig deeper on the topic. His opening remarks are fascinating as he says “Certain people make history. They are generals who win wars, explorers who discover new areas, rulers who bring about change in society, or thinkers who write books and/or transform the world with their ideas”. Beginnings are important. Throughout the course of history people have wanted to know their origins. History then matters, not simply because it describes what happened in the past, but also helps people to understand the present and the future. Understanding the world can often be illuminated by knowledge of past events and relationships, in as much as also an understanding of what caused various things to happen in the past can enable people to imagine what the future might hold and how things might be. This ultimately will cause people to gain a strong sense of present and future identity. “A Journey Through the Old Testament” has a peculiar approach of an analysis of spiritual principles and practical applications at the end of each chapter which create a great atmosphere to look at the history makers and find a modern message for today’s world. Dr. Towns crafted his book in that the first half deals mostly with the stories of the patriarchs from Genesis, while the other half focuses on stories of the kings of Israel and Judah mostly from 1 & 2 Samuel, 1 & 2 Kings and 1 & 2 Chronicles. Four of the Major Prophets Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel and Daniel and 3minor prophets Haggai, Zechariah and Malachi are well incorporated in the book. Very little is
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