Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Paper

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University of Phoenix Axia College Anxiety is a normal reaction to stress that an individual carries on a normal base. As a normal reaction of stress it helps a person deal with situations in an office, study harder for an exam, and keep focus on everyday task. In general, it helps a person cope. On the other hand, anxiety can become excessive, irrational to everyday situations, and become a disorder. Anxiety has various types of disorders associated with anxiety. A common disorder associated with anxiety is obsessive-compulsive disorder, also known as OCD. A description of OCD, symptoms of OCD, and diagnosis and treatment for the disorder is described below. Obsessive-compulsive disorder is associated with anxiety…show more content…
According to National Institute of Mental Health (November 27, 2009) claimed “People with OCD may be plagues by persistent, unwelcome thoughts or images, or by the urgent need to engage in certain rituals” (para.2). Some themes to OCD consist of; fear of contamination or dirt, things orderly and symmetrical, sexual images or thoughts, etc. For the symptoms of the themes described above are; fear being contaminated by shaking hands, doubts of locking the door, thoughts of a person hurting someone in a traffic accident, images of hurting a child, replaying pornographic images in their mind, etc. A list can go on for miles for the symptoms of OCD, but a list above are more common then others. Generally a person will wash their hands until the skin becomes raw, checking items to make sure they are off or locked, counting in certain patterns, and checking items are in a specific order. With a person diagnose with OCD, it can become severe and time-consuming that it can become disabling. According to Mayo Clinic Staff (December 19, 2008) stated “With OCD, you may have a low quality of life because the condition rules most of your days” (para.5). Many adults can recognize their symptoms and what are occurring, but in many children and even some adults may not realize that their behavior is out of the…show more content…
These tests and exams help rule out other problems that could be causing any symptoms the person is experiencing. It is known that it can be a little difficult to diagnose obsessive-compulsive disorder, seeing that some symptoms can be similar to those generalized anxiety, depression, schizophrenia, or other mental illnesses. To be diagnosed with OCD, there is a set criteria spelled out in a manual that helps professionals to diagnose the mental illness. Treatment options available to someone who is diagnosed with OCD are; either psychotherapy or medications. Depending on the persons personal situation and preferences depends on the best treatment for that person. Psychotherapy helps adults and children retrain their thought patterns and routines so the compulsive behaviors are no longer present. Certain psychiatric medications can help someone control the obsessions and compulsions of OCD. Antidepressants are usually the first drug to be helpful for OCD; it helps increase the levels of serotonin. Before anyone is treated for OCD, it is very important for that person to understand the pros and cons of the treatments available to
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