Nurse Practice Act

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Florida Nurse Practice Act Maria I. Torres Breckenridge School of Nursing at ITT-Technical Institute Abstract The Nurse Practice Act is a law that nurses must abide by. This act serves two elements: to protect the health and safety of client care, and to protect the title of nurse. Scope of work outlines the duties of a nurse. There are many different nurses but the Nurse Practice Act still applies to all Nurses licensed by the State Law. Some nurses that are more advanced and have more privileges than others. However, with great responsibility comes greater liability. There are many requirements and responsibilities that a nurse takes on, and if failed, disciplinary actions are taken. Nurses abide by this law for their own safety, advancement, and competence. Florida Nurse Practice Act State Laws make up the Nursing Practice Act which defines the scope and limitations for professional nursing practice. “The scope of practice is defined by the who, what, where, when, why & how “(Brent, 1997). “Nurses must incorporate the nursing practice act with an educational background, work experience, institutional policies, and technological advancements” (Brent, 1997). Regulation of the nurse practice act targets nurse’s education and practice. Along with defining nursing, the practice act sets professional standards by giving guidance regarding scope of practice. “The overall guidance goals for nurses are designed to accomplish competence” (Brent, 1997). In order to produce quality nursing care provided by qualified practitioners we rely on the guidance and regulations of the Nursing Practice Act. “To achieve success, it is very important that nurses become familiar with the Nursing Practice Act because the health care system is always changing”(Brent, 1997). “Scope of
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