Nt1430 Week 1 Research Paper

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Brittany Herrera NT1430 Week 1 Essay February 9, 2014 When preparing to install Linux on another’s computer, planning should always be the first step. There are certain criteria that computers must meet before in installation can happen properly. Some of these criteria’s can be met through Linux based tests to see if the computer(s) are compatible, but some cannot. To be sure it is always best to write down what is expected and what is needed. On this list you should be sure to include the system information, hardware, hard disk, internet settings, and software and services. When it comes to system information there are many things you must know prior to installation. Some important need-to-knows for an installation are; RAM memory, network and video adapters, CD-ROM drives, and hard drives. These are one of those requirements that can be tested for and figured out by the installation utility but it always better to be on the safe side and know these things prior to. Another criteria that can be tested for is the hardware aspect. You should be knowledgeable about the CPU and the motherboard. To make sure that your computer is compatible you can google “Linux Hardware Compatibility HOWTO” and use this online tool to ensure compatibility. Before you install you have to be sure that there is in fact room for the OS on your hard disk. This is a simple and easy task. But one that is a must for a successful installation. When installing for a friend you must ask how they want Linux configured. If it is for just a home computer, collecting information on their internet settings will be quite…show more content…
* What is your BUS type? * What is your RAM size? * Amount of Hard Disk Space do you have/ what is available? * What is your BIOS setup? * What is the number, size, and type of each hard drive? * What type of mouse are you using and which port is it connected to? * What is your Video Ram

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