Normalisation Essay

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Normalisation According to Dr. Montessori the process of normalisation was the ‘most important single result of our whole work’ (Montessori, The Absorbent Mind, 1988). “Explain the process of normalisation, especially during the period 3-6 years, and show why it is important to the overall development of the child.” Normalisation is a type of behaviour where the child shows his true character and personality, it’s the transformation of the child’s inner self, through purposeful activities the child learns to concentrate, which is a key factor in the child becoming ‘normalised’. Dr. Montessori refers to the normal state of the child as ‘normalised’, she did not mean that there is a ‘norm’ that children must match up to, but that if each child is provided with the right environment and conditions that they will discover there own personality that will fit into society. Children are usually happy and sociable but if a child’s needs are not met, it may result in the child becoming noisy and destructive. In the first three years of the child’s life the child will have a passionate drive to do certain things at certain times and if we ‘the adults’ block that drive then the child will become frustrated and then may become noisy and destructive or in some cases the child may become extremely quiet, withdrawn and reserved, these are called ‘deviations’. “Dr .Montessori said that noisy, boisterous and fighting children are not the norm. She claimed that they had been blocked in their efforts to fulfil the urges of the horme and that their energies had been deviated.” Deviations are a result of blocked natural energy, for example the power of the horme drives the child to do certain things and if he is prevented he then he will divert that energy into other activities and may become destructive or he may become very passive and live in his own fictitious
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